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Where Can I Find A Cannabis Business In Los Angeles?

Laws governing marijuana before the legalization of recreational marijuana in California were complex and at times difficult to understand. Recreational legalization has unfortunately not changed that. It can be very difficult to understand the current pot laws especially when it seems like multiple sources can at times contradict one another. If you’re looking for a place to get marijuana or wondering if you can grow marijuana or perhaps why you can’t, it’s important to understand how the new law works.

Proposition Sixty-Four, the voter-approved ballot option, legalized recreational marijuana in the state of California, but counties and cities can still decide not to allow its sale or cultivation, much like alcohol. Recreational sales are permitted in the big cities, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, but this is where things can get confusing. Although recreational sales are allowed in Los Angeles, cultivation and manufacturing are not. Cultivation means the growing of marijuana. Manufacturing refers to the production of marijuana-based products like foodstuffs, oil, and other products. Why this can’t be done in Los Angeles is a difficult question. It seems that it would make sense that if you allowed the sale of something, you would also allow its production, but the weird paradoxical news laws and politics of recreational marijuana don’t seem to stop there. In Orange County, you are allowed to grow marijuana, but not to recreationally sell or manufacture it...Read more

How can you tell if you got good quality weed?

The pinnacle question for stoners and first-time smokers alike is how to tell if you got good weed? Sussing out whether your weed is of high-calibre quality or not can be a difficult task. Furthermore, a weed that’s of disastrously poor-quality like those that are laced with fentanyl or synthetic can even cause death. Identifying good weed from bad weed is a must-have skill.
Good Quality Weed

One of the first things to look for in determining good weed is crystals also known as trichomes. Crystals are a very good indicator of THC concentration, the chemical compound responsible for marijuana’s quintessential “high” feeling. The color of the weed dispensary is also another good indicator of it’s quality. Good marijuana’s color should be green with some orange maybe even purple, but never brown. If your weed is brown, that’s a strong indicator of bad weed. Brown coloring means it could possibly contain mold, pesticides or other very harmful chemicals. Orange hairs in your weed are typically strong indications that the cannabis plant your marijuana came from was mature and well pollinated. This is usually an indicator of good weed. Many people wonder what marijuana should feel like. Should it be wet? Dry? The answer is somewhere in the middle. Your weed should stick to your fingers, but not be dripping wet. It shouldn’t be so dry that it just breaks apart in your hands without you trying to break it up. If you store your weed properly, you can stop it from drying out thereby lasting longer and maintaining a higher quality.

What Conditions does Medical Marijuana Treat?

Many people use medical marijuana dispensaries for treatment for various conditions. More than twenty-five states have legalized medical marijuana to be used to treat medical conditions. Many other states are in the process of considering bills that would legalize medical marijuana as well, but with all this talk about medical marijuana, you may be wondering what it can actually be used to treat. Unfortunately, the Food and Drug Agency has not approved marijuana as a treatment for anything because the Agency believes that there have not been enough studies to show its Medical Marijuana Treat effectiveness in treating any medical ailment. One reason why there haven’t been more studies conducted is due to the fact that marijuana is considered by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency to be a Schedule 1 drug, in the same category as LSD, heroin, and ecstasy. This classification means that on a federal level marijuana is considered as a drug that lacks medical value and is likely to be abused. Many people find it surprising that marijuana is considered as destructive and medical irrelevant as heroin. Despite the seeming absurdity of it, this classification makes it difficult for researchers to conduct studies. They need to apply for a special license to do so.

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System?

While marijuana is legal from your local Prop 64 friendly dispensary like Sun Valley Caregivers, it can still be tested for by an employer and is sometimes still considered a fireable offense. Due to this, people wonder how long marijuana stays in your system. This, of course, all depends upon which type of test is used. Typically, there are three types of drug tests that are used to test for marijuana. Those tests are a urine test, Medical Marijuana Treat saliva test, and hair follicle test. Marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC is what enters a user’s bloodstream after smoking marijuana. This is the chemical responsible for the traditional “high” feeling. Eating marijuana causes the same thing, THC in the bloodstream, but usually, it takes a little longer to be absorbed. A blood test is rarely used to test for marijuana because THC only stays in the bloodstream for a little while. Though bloodstream tests are sometimes given by police officers at roadside checkpoints or at the scenes of car accidents. Though unlike with breathalyzer or blood tests for alcohol, marijuana bloodstream tests cannot indicate the level of intoxication.

Why Use Marijuana as Medicine?

Before voters took to the polls and approved Proposition 64, legalizing recreational marijuana in the state of California, there had long been medical dispensaries in the state. These dispensaries required a medical card and were allowed by law because marijuana was said to have many great medicinal benefits. Medical marijuana in California is a billion dollar industry and while millions of people flocked to them to get help with their various ailments, many still doubted that cannabis had any medical benefits at all.

Marijuana Dispensary
While many people have claimed marijuana’s medical benefits for a long time, we’re now getting more and more data that backs up these claim. The two main cannabinoids in the marijuana plant are THC and CBD. THC is responsible for the “high” feeling. It has been shown to increase appetite and reduce nausea which has made it a popular treatment for chemotherapy-induced nausea. It has also been shown to decrease pain, inflammation, and problems with control of muscles. The other main cannabinoid found in marijuana is CBD. CBD will not give the user the traditional “high” feeling, perhaps because of that, it has become a very popular medicine. It has been used to reduce epileptic seizures, pain, swelling and even to treat mental illnesses
In many cases, medical marijuana is safer than name brand prescriptions because it doesn’t have a host of possible negative side effects associated with it. Unlike some name brand prescriptions, THC and CBD have rarely if ever been found to cause a lethal overdose. Medical marijuana is not physically addicting nor do you necessarily have to “get high” to reap the benefits. Studies have even shown that medical marijuana can even actually help restore cognitive performance.

The key to using marijuana as a medicine is to find a good medical dispensary. A good medical marijuana dispensary in Los Angeles should have the best medical marijuana strains available to treat your specific ailment be it insomnia, anxiety, Parkinson’s or epilepsy. It is important that there be informative representatives available to assist you in selecting from a wide array of strains. Many strains have been engineered to treat specific medical conditions.  If you go to a Prop 64 friendly dispensary like Sun Valley Caregivers you won’t even have to get a medicinal card. Hopefully, this will help you consider trying medical marijuana as a safe treatment for your illness.

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