While marijuana is legal from your local Prop 64 friendly dispensary like Sun Valley Caregivers, it can still be tested for by an employer and is sometimes still considered a fireable offense. Due to this, people wonder how long marijuana stays in your system. This, of course, all depends upon which type of test is used. Typically, there are three types of drug tests that are used to test for marijuana. Those tests are a urine test,
saliva test, and hair follicle test. Marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC is what enters a user’s bloodstream after smoking marijuana. This is the chemical responsible for the traditional “high” feeling. Eating marijuana causes the same thing, THC in the bloodstream, but usually, it takes a little longer to be absorbed. A blood test is rarely used to test for marijuana because THC only stays in the bloodstream for a little while. Though bloodstream tests are sometimes given by police officers at roadside checkpoints or at the scenes of car accidents. Though unlike with breathalyzer or blood tests for alcohol, marijuana bloodstream tests cannot indicate the level of intoxication.
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